Want to know my favorite special education teacher hacks? I’ve got you covered! If you are a special education teacher, you know how hard it is to meet every student’s needs AND keep a well organized classroom. Below, I’ve compiled 5 special education teacher hacks you need to know!

1. Jewelry Organizers For Visual Storage
You probably have approximately one million visuals hanging out in your classroom. Jewelry organizers are the perfect way to keep them all organized. These hang in my classroom closet and when I need something I can quickly glance through the clear sleeves and get what I need. You could even sort them alphabetically to find your visuals even faster.

2. Tally Counters
I love these so much for discrete data collection! Especially the mini ring sized ones that you can wear around your finger. They are discrete, not bulky, and easy to carry around the school if needed. Every special education teacher needs data collection tools like these.
3. Velcro Scissors
We all know soft Velcro destroys scissors. Don’t sacrifice all of your scissors! Just choose a designated pair and only use that pair for Velcro. Take a sharpie and write “velcro” on that pair so your whole staff knows which pair of scissors to use.

4. Magnet Hooks
We use these hooks to hang visuals that we need quick access to. We stick them on our white board and file cabinets around the classroom. Bonus tip- did you know that your classroom door may be magnetic too? These can store any hallway visuals you might need access to!

5. Magic Erasers
If you are not using magic erasers to erase dry erase marker, you are missing out! Magic eraser is where it’s at y’all. Cut them into strips or squares to get even more use out of them and make mini erasers for your students! I keep one in each student supply box. These are also a school supply parents have loved to donate since you can easily find them at any grocery store.
I hope that these special education teacher hacks help you in your classroom! Be sure to check out my other special education teacher tips and tricks here!
Happy Teaching!