“What is your best advice for a first year teacher?”
This is by far one of my most frequently asked questions I get in my direct messages. And it always takes me back to my experience as a first year teacher. I made lots of mistakes along the way. And there are things I wish I did differently. Whenever people ask me this, I have such a hard time answering in a DM because there is so much I want to say. So I have compiled my thoughts here into one blog post for you!

1. Ask For Help
Teaching can be such a hard job when you’re new and still learning. I ended up staying at school way too late and way too many times my first year teaching. I was that teacher staying until 7:00 or 8:00pm 5 days a week. If I had simply asked for help on how to do things instead of trying to do it all myself, my days could have been way more streamlined! Plus I could have left school so much earlier and therefore taken better care of myself. Don’t be like me. Ask for help!

2. Stick To Self Care
I mistreated my mental and physical health so badly my first few years of teaching. This ties back to staying at school late. I had no time to eat foods that made me feel good or exercise my body. Exercising and eating good foods are two things that greatly contribute to my mental health. It took me FOUR whole years of teaching to realize that I needed to prioritize some sort of self care. Now, I’m a better teacher for it! Just remember that self care looks different for everyone. What works for me might not work for you. So do what works for you! Below is a quick list of apps that promote positive mental health!
- Headspace– Great app for meditation
- Calm– Great app with guided mediations and breathing techniques
- Grateful– A prompt based gratitude app

3. Seek Out A Mentor
I know this might make a few people uncomfortable, but sometimes you don’t get assigned a teaching mentor as a newbie and that can be extremely hard. If you don’t have someone to bounce ideas off of or just vent to, this journey can be a lonely one. Don’t forget that you work in a school where everyone has been a first year teacher at some point in time. When you find someone who does what they do well, ask for advice and ask questions. See if they can show you the ropes. Just make sure it’s someone who still makes you feel good about yourself. Stay away from anyone who may make you feel toxic.

4. Give Yourself Grace
We juggle so many hats already but especially as first year teachers. Not to mention teaching during a pandemic. Remember that literally no one knows what they are doing in this virtual teaching world. If you have a bad day, don’t let it take over your entire week. Remember your why…you’re in this profession for a reason. You deserve to give yourself some grace!

I hope this post didn’t overwhelm you guys with too much information. These are the four things I would go back and do differently If I could. Whether you are teaching virtually, in person, or hybrid this year, best of luck! Remember, your feelings are all valid. It may seem like other teachers have it all together with perfect google classrooms but remember, we are ALL building the plane as we fly it!
Happy teaching!
The number one resource that helps teachers the most at the beginning of the year is my First 20 Days Resource. Be sure to check it out for differentiated activities for your entire first month of school!
Check out my other blog posts for more sped teacher tips and tricks!